Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baltimore w/ Angie

So my friend Angie came to Baltimore for the weekend for a wedding.  I decided to visit for a night and take on Baltimore with Angie.  By 2pm we had a bottle of wine in us and ready for a nap.  It really is a reality check when we are ready for some ZZzzzzzs before 3pm. 

 ...after a few drinks...

We napped until about 6ish and woke up ready for dinner...but then ready for some more ZZzzzzs by 830..  However, we did make the most of it and took some pictures -- as Angie does!  Angie is an amazing photographer and will be very successful out in the DC area when they move out this way later this year.  (I'm so excited!!! YAY!!) 

Her website:
So after a few drinks and a lot of boredom...I let Angie take a few pictures of my amazing red heels.

I love the pictures...and these are only a few spur of the moment ones.  I will have her take more once she gets settled into the area.

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