Monday, February 8, 2010

Back Home for the Holidays

Back Home

For the holidays we went back to the midwest (Indianapolis & Missouri) to see family.  It was great to see family (we love you all) but 2 weeks on the road is not an "ideal" vacation.  It seems like most of our vacation time is spent visiting family throughout the year.  Here are some pictures from our visit.  Above is Connor climbing on great grandpa Jay.  Below is great grandma Jett and her everlasting pose to cover her face.  I don't know, because she is so beautiful.  I can only hope I look that good when I get older. :)

Our trip from Indianapolis to Missouri was a short 7 hours.  Somewhere in between the trip we stopped at the St. Louis arch...and enjoyed a night in a hotel, to simply relax from social contact. 

It was FUN!  And as always Dave kept me entertained.

Another reason I love him so much.

Off to Missouri to spend the first Christmas with my family since 1999 - 10 years!  I can't believe it had been 10 years.  On the way...Connor got a little, NO, A LOTTA messy from a swirl sucker from the Crackle Barrel...which served as our home on the road, there is seriously one every few miles on I-70.

First stop, my mom's in Newburg, MO!  Population: 400.  She greets us with lots of love and it is always so wonderful to hug my mother.  You forget that comfortable and familiar feeling but when your mother's arms are around you, everything just feels right in the world.  ** I love you mom!** 

Connor got a nerf gun, that was destroyed before the end of our trip!  That is often the case with a 3 year old though.  Off to Uncle Steve's to meet up with the rest of the family...

My brother, Justin (in the background) was convinced that I was trying to take a picture of his feet.  NO JUSTIN, I am taking a picture of Braxton, the cute lil' cowboy!  Now lets take a picture of you and Bella -- ahhh she definitely gets her looks from Amy! *wink*

Then again... they do pose like each other.  LOL

My big brother Steve, who so graciously hosted us but we did our part to help.... well Connor did!  LOL

He was helping Aunt Charity, who was taking down Christmas decorations... Connor was re-adding them...he didn't want Christmas to be over; so I guess he really wasn't helping at all.  Charity's family welcomed all of us into their home for Christmas morning, as they had the space to host so many people from out of town.  We all appreciated it very much.  I couldn't thank them enough as I know we won't meet for Christmas too often... Thanksgiving is more our 'speed'.  LOL  We like to eat!  Can you tell?

Two weeks on the road, traveling from DC to Indiana to Missouri back to Indiana then back to DC; this was definitely a common image of Connor.  He was exhausted from the drive and excitement of all the celebrations.  Other common images of Connor -- him in his new GB Packer jersey and moving -- ALL THE TIME!

Grandma Judy was always near by....

All in all it was a good trip. :)  But I am happy to be home.

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