Monday, October 11, 2010

Packers vs Redskins

Redskins 16   Packers 13

I went to my first NFL game on 10-10-10 at Fedex Field in Washington D.C. with Dave.  We watched the Green Bay Packers play against the Washington Redskins ... and it was brutal.  The game went into over time and the Redskins kicked a field goal putting the score at 16 to 13.  Green Bay lost ... it was sad.

However, the BIG story of the day wasn't the game, but what happened after the game.  Dave and I got  separated and I found my way back to the train station.  You may ask...why didn't you just call each other?  Well my cell phone battery died during the game...oh my.  So Dave ended up going north and I went south...found my way home to charge my battery and called Dave.  This is the conversation...

Me, "Where are you?"
Dave, "I don't know.  I'm lost!"
Me, "Find a train station"
Dave, "I'm trying...I'm so lost."
Me, "Call a cab"
Dave, "I don't know where I am."
Me, "Oh boy..."
Dave, "There's a cab! I'll ask him to take me to the train station.  (Silence.....)  He doesn't take cards and I don't have enough cash.  Don't worry darling I will find my way home...I have to look at my phone GPS. I love you." (thought:  I'm going to die tonight)
Me, "I love you too...ugh"  (thought:  my husband is going to get shot tonight)

5 minutes rings.
Dave, "I found an angel, his name is Mohammad.  He took me to the nearest train station.  I prayed for an angel and God sent me Mohammad, the taxi driver that just told me that he couldn't take cards but he could give me a ride."
Me, "Thank GOD!  Where are you?"
Dave, "On the train...coming home!"

It was a long night, but I'm glad Dave made it home safely.  :)

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