Thursday, May 13, 2010

Make-A-Wish - Hayden's Party.

We befriended a young family last October on one of our evening trips to the park.  Connor and Hayden (3 year old) really hit it off and started playing together instantly.  Hayden, was diagnosed with retinoblastoma shortly after Halloween. 

For those of you curious, retinoblastoma (Rb) is a rapidly developing cancer which develops in the cells of retina, the light detecting tissue of the eye.  Hayden had tumors behind his eye and close to his brain.  Now after several months of chemotherapy and radiation.  Hayden had his Make-A-Wish wish granted, to go to Disney World the most magical place on earth.  Awww!  I want to go!!

So with that being said, of course there was a party!  OF COURSE!  This is something big to celebrate and they invited us!  We enjoyed sharing in their happiness and his major milestones.  

 Of course at the party there were balloons.....

and YUMMY cupcakes...but not only were they super YUMMY, but they had Mickey Mouse on them to celebrate the occasion!

There is just something about Disney characters that makes you want to SMILE...especially Mickey! :)  It is nice to think there is a place in this world, where no problems exist and only happiness is enjoyed.  I was very impressed with the Make-A-Wish foundation and what they provided to this beautiful family.  They have a week long stay in a beautiful villa within Disney World, round-trip airplane tickets and a chauffeur ride to and from the airport, rental car, other Orlando ticketed attractions, PLUS over a thousand dollars in spending cash!! WOOooo!!  And of course the best part... Mr. Hayden gets a Make-A-Wish button that will put him at the front of every line.  He also will get to have meals with other Disney characters and they will also come tuck him in bed at night!  Ohhh I can only imagine he will have the sweetest dreams.

This is the Make-A-Wish coordinator giving Mr. Hayden's Make-A-Wish VIP pin to his dad (better not lose that)! :)

Connor had a great time partying with Hayden!  Here are some pictures.... Play, Party and Play more!

Of course they had a great time and kept each other entertained! :)  I want to give big KUDOS to the Make-A-Wish Foundation for giving a beautiful child an unforgettable lifetime memory.

Have a great trip Hayden!!

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