Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Job, Chicken pox and Crutches!!

First, I GOT A JOB!!  Woot! Woot!  It was an exciting week to transition from student to employee.  I had a contingent job offer which came right after I finished my spring courses.  PERFECT TIMING! :)  I forgot how exhausting it is to work all day and YES I miss my midday naps with Connor.  I am working with a federal contractor as a project control specialist (aka: project manager) far, everything is good.  Dave was excited that I got a job too; he even took pictures of my first day.

and the best part is me actually leaving the house to go to work...haha...but first I had to make sure I knew where I was going.  What did we do before GPS?!!

and Dave had to watch me leave...with a proud tear in his eye, I'm sure

So...the first week of work has been nice.  :)  Welcome back to civilization Miranda! hahaha

However, the challenges that come with having a job is to keep up with family life.  Some of the newest challenges... CHICKEN POX!  Yep, Connor has the chicken pox.  He thinks the chicken pox are something to be proud of ...and he even posed for the camera, after his bowl of ice cream!

That is not the only challenge...

Good ol' Dave decided he wanted to live a healthier life and started running every morning.  Now mind you I am very proud of his dedication to wake up extra early and his discipline to run everyday - even in the RAIN!  However, since Dave has pushed himself to a physical peak, he has not only tweaked his back that put him down for a week; he now has a stress fracture on his shin, putting him on crutches for the next month!!

All I really want to do it take their pain away and take care of things at home...but such is life, we will work through these challenges together.  WISH US LUCK!!!

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