Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday Miranda!

30 & Fabulous!

Since I can remember I've always been anxious about getting older.  When I was 14 years old, I was excited to turn 16... then I waited for 18...and because I was in England when I turned 21, it wasn't much of a milestone birthday (because obviously I could drink legally).  However, the thought of being 30 years old seemed daunting.  When I was younger I had all of these thoughts of where I should be and what I should have accomplished by that age...lol...according to my 14 year old self at 30 years old, I should be on my way to retirement!  lol  However, one of the best things about aging is that I gain wisdom!  Thank GOD for that!

So here I am 30 years old!  No...it is not the end of the world for me, but a new chapter in my life.  There are many difference from 20 years old and 30 years old.  1). The difference of 40 lbs  2). A wonderful husband  3).  An awesome son  4).  A SALARY!  5).  A higher alcohol tolerance  6).  An interest in education and HISTORY  ... ok, I'm not going to list them all...but there are MANY differences!  I can appreciate the aging process, though I don't agree with it!  lol

I'm actually very fortunate to be where I am today.  Only those who know my past can truly understand the depth of my personal success.  I have to thank my mother for the foundation of good morals and values she instilled in me.  "Thanks MOM! :)  I love you."  LOL  -- As if I am giving an award speech!  Then I have to thank the military for giving me direction and discipline...and an education!  OBVIOUSLY -- I am nothing without my loving husband who has supported me through many transitions and made me laugh ...even when I wanted to cry, sometimes. 

So again... I'm 30 years old!  I celebrated in New York City at the Trump Soho with David.  Trump Soho upgraded our hotel room for my 30th birthday...super nice of them!

I think my favorite part of the room was the automatic EVERYTHING!  It was really nice! lol   The whole point of going to NYC for my birthday was to give myself a little luxurious vacation, like a pat on the back! :)

Of course we done the tourist thing and took the bus tour... went to the Empire State Building... tried the ridiculous subway... and decided to walk the MILLION blocks back to our hotel...  but it was a nice walk, we didn't get mugged! :) 

At the TOP of the Empire State Building

Well... it has been an adventure and I am excited to pursue the rest of my life journey!

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