Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Wheels

on the bike go ROUND & ROUND...

It's that time of year when you look outside and you see runners, walkers and bikers.  Dave and I enjoy the afternoon bike ride...and so does Connor, contrary to what the photo above displays.  We usually stay on base in the afternoons and ride along the river walk where we get to see and enjoy the views from the Potomac.

Here we are looking at several sail boats enjoying a peaceful evening on the river.  Some of the pictures you can get from the river with a standard power shot camera are magnificent.

Isn't this just beautiful!?!  I should have been a photographer! :)

Here is a nice view of the capital when we were on our ride the other day.  And sometimes we like to stop and play.

We try to run Connor so much, that he is begging to go to bed at night.  As I recall, he fell asleep pretty fast after this. :)  Biking is fun and I'm really glad we do it as a family.

LOL... I have gotten several comments about my ringer on my bike.  There was a young girl at the restrooms (last summer) who was surprised when I came out and mounted my bike...
she said, "Is that your bike?"
"Yes it is." 
She responded, "but that says you love your mom". 
I smiled and said, "I absolutely love my mom."
...her response, "but your old!"
my response, "you never stop loving your mom."

I love you mom.  I don't need a bike ringer to remind me...but it is cute! :)

I'll update you on our biking adventures over the warmer months!

1 comment:

  1. I so miss DC! The pictures remind of our walks and talks, Miranda. Miss you, Dave and Connor as well! XOXOXO
